Hello Gem Prep Families!
We hope you all had an amazing spring break! Whether you traveled somewhere new/exciting or stayed home and caught up on some well-needed rest, we can’t wait for our students to share their adventures. We are excited to have our student’s back in class ready to kick off the last quarter of the year.
This quarter will be a busy one filled with testing. Please keep a look out for emails from your student’s teachers letting you know when testing will take place so your students are well prepared by getting a good nights rest and healthy breakfast. Check out these benefits of eating breakfast!
Benefits of Breakfast:
- Eating breakfast can help improve math, reading, and standardized test scores. (i,ii,iii)
- Breakfast helps children pay attention, perform problem-solving tasks, and improves memory.(iv,v)
- By eating breakfast, students get more of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, dietary fiber, folate and protein. (vi,vii)
Keep reading below for upcoming events and updates regarding the 2018-2019 school year.
GPN Office Staff
- Rampersaud GC, Pereira MA, Girard BL, Adams J, Metzl JD Breakfast habits, nutritional status, body weight, and academic performance in children and adolescents J Am Diet Assoc. 2005 May;105(5):743-60
- Murphy JM, Pagano M, Nachmani J, Sperling P, Kane S, Kleinman R. “The Relationship of School Breakfast to Psychosocial and Academic Functioning: Cross-sectional and longitudinal observations in an inner-city sample.” Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 1998; 152:899-907.
- Alaimo K, Olson CM, Frongillo EA Jr. “Food Insufficiency and American School-Aged Children’s Cognitive, Academic and Psychosocial Development.” Pediatrics 2001; 108(1):44-53.
- Wesnes KA, Pincock C, Richardson D, Helm G, Hails S. “Breakfast reduces declines in attention and memory over the morning in schoolchildren.” Appetite 2003;41(3):329-31.
- Dye L, Blundell JE. Functional foods: psychological and behavioral functions. Br J Nutr 2002;88 (Suppl2):S187– 211.
- Affenito SG, Thompson DR, Barton BA, Franko DL, Daniels SR, Obarzanek E, Schreiber GB, StriegelMoore.
“Breakfast Consumption by African-American and White Adolescent Girls Correlates Positively
with Calcium and Fiber Intake and Negatively with Body Mass Index.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2005; 105:938-945.
- Wilson NC, Parnell WR, Wohlers M, Shirley P. “Eating breakfast and its impact on children’s daily diet.”
Nutrition &Dietetics 2006; 63:15-20
2018-2019 Calendar & School Hours
Our school hours for the 2018-2019 school year have changed. Classes will be in session on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 8AM-3:15 PM and Wednesdays from 8AM-1:15 PM.
Gem Prep: Nampa is part of a network of four schools. In preparation for the effectiveness of our secondary program, we need to begin aligning all four school calendars. We began this alignment process for the 2018-19 school year. These new school hours will allow parents/buses to safely drop-off and pick-up student’s earlier than Iowa Elementary down the street to avoid as much traffic as possible.
Another reason for schedule alignment is for us to be able to provide professional development across the entire network. Teachers will be given a combined PD/planning early release day every week on Wednesdays. By giving teachers development and collaboration time each week, we are helping them develop their skills to better equip them to serve students. Our focus is putting students first and preparing them for success in college, through college, and into their careers. We believe purposeful professional development is an investment in student academic achievement.
We also added an additional 15 minutes each day so that students have the same contact hours in the classroom. The earlier release on Wednesday also gives family’s a time to make appointments for their children without missing school.
(The calendar is also posted on the website, for your convenience.)
Last day to purchase yearbooks is this Wednesday, April 4th! Price of yearbooks is $5, you may purchase additional add-ons for an extra cost. Purchases may only be done online at ybpay.lifetouch.com using the following Yearbook ID Code: 13173718.
Class group photos are scheduled for Tuesday, May 1st and Wednesday, May 2nd. This year’s group photos will be taken outside due to lack of space within the building. Please take a look at the following schedule to see when your students class is scheduled for their photo.
Order forms will be sent out next week or you can order online at mylifetouch.com using the following Picture Day ID: ID017476G0.
Quarter three is complete! Report cards will be updated in your child’s Google Drive folder by this Friday, April 4th. To access the report card, please follow these steps depending on if you have a Gmail account.
If you have a Google account:
*Click on the nine square tile in the upper right-hand corner.
*Click on “Shared with me” on the left-hand side.
You should see a folder with your child’s name shared by your child’s classroom teacher. Click on the folder name and you will see four quarters. Your child’s report card will be in the Quarter 3 report card along with other data.
If you do not have a Gmail account:
*Please go back to the original email sent sharing this folder with you from the end of quarter 1 (the end of October). If you have misplaced this, please send an email to your child’s classroom teacher, and they will reshare the folder with you.
We would love our Gem Prep families to vote! Click below to choose your favorite mascot for Gem Prep: Nampa. Our students and staff will also be voting in their classrooms this week!
Brown Bus has implemented a new policy of no balloons on the bus. There has been an issue with students bringing them on the bus and letting them fly up to the ceiling, blocking the driver’s view out the back window. This policy has been put in place to maintain the safety of our students. If you have any questions regarding this policy please contact Brown Bus at (208)466-4181.
We love being able to share your child’s day with live updates on Class Dojo! If you haven’t joined yet, please ask your child’s classroom teacher to resend the invite. We look forward to sharing more school-wide information with this tool soon!
4th-Grade Wagons Ho field trip will be rescheduled for May, we will let parents know the official date once it has been set.
3rd-Grade Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge field trip will take place on Thursday, May 3, 2018. Permission slips will be sent out this week. Please return to your student’s teacher NO LATER than Tuesday, April 15th.
2nd-Grade Aquarium/Settlers Park field trip will take place on Tuesday, May 8, 2018. Permission slips will be sent out this week. Please return to your student’s teacher NO LATER than Friday, April 20th.
When: Thursday, April 5th
Time: 6:30 PM- 7:30 PM
Where: Flying M Coffee Garage
Wednesday, April 4th: Last day to purchase yearbooks!
Thursday, April 5th: PTO Meeting @ 6:30PM-Flying M Coffee Garage
Tuesday, May 1st: Class Pictures
Wednesday, May 2nd: Class Pictures
Thursday, May 3rd: 3rd-Grade Field Trip
Tuesday, May 8th: 2nd-Grade Field Trip
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