Hi Gem Prep Families!
Can you all believe it’s February already? Our students have been busy wrapping up the 2nd quarter and kicking off the 3rd quarter with new skills and new electives! Scroll down to take a look and possibly volunteer at all the fun events and fundraisers planned for the month of February.
Gem Prep: Nampa Office Staff
2018-2019 Re-Enrollment & Lottery Update
# of Students Returning 2018-2019: 264
# of Students Undecided 2018-2019: 23
# of New Students Applied 2018-2019: 163
Thank you to all Gem parents who have gone into SchoolMint and responded for 2018-2019 re-enrollment. We ask that the remaining families please log in and select ‘returning’ or ‘not returning’ before February 8th. This will give us a better understanding of our student population for the 2018-2019 school year.
We hope that you find the re-enrollment process much quicker and easier this year. As you work through the SchoolMint website—if you have any questions about the re-enrollment or enrollment process, please contact Brenda at [email protected].
Applying to Gem Prep: Meridian
If you select ‘returning’ for Gem Prep: Nampa you CAN still apply to Gem Prep: Meridian and it will not affect your students returning status.
Enrolling Siblings
If you have siblings to enroll, you will be able to add them to the system and create an application for them. You must create an application for all non-enrolled siblings that you wish to enroll for the 2018-2019 school year. The deadline is the same as for re-enrollment: January 2 – February 8, 2018.
You will be able to track your sibling enrollment status through your SchoolMint account. When siblings are offered enrollment, you can accept and decline enrollment from your account, similar to the way you indicate “returning or not returning” for your currently enrolled students.
After the Lottery
After February 14 you will be prompted to log back into your account and update any contact information necessary and complete any back-to-school forms for next school year —like the Volunteer Agreement, Authorized Pickup Form, etc.
What is the purpose of volunteer hours? We want ALL families to be partners in their children’s education and volunteer hours are a way to recognize families for their engagement with their children’s learning and the school community.
What counts for volunteer hours? EVERYTHING that supports our school and your student’s learning. This could be:
*Attending parent-teacher conferences
*Participating in PTO
*Prepping work at home for a teacher
*Volunteering to help the front office staff
*Running a marketing event on the weekends
*Volunteering in the classroom from class parties, running a English Language Arts or math rotation, or any other help in the classrooms
*Helping with PTO events by making chili, bagging popcorn, or running candy gram sales
*Attending monthly GPN evening events
*And, so much more!
We want to recognize you for any and all work you put in to supporting the connection between home and school whether those hours happen during or out of school hours. The only connection we don’t count is helping your child with homework/reading at home.
What is the best way to track the hours volunteered? Ms. Katie keeps track of all of the hours donated during the day and evening events through sign-in sheets. But, if you are volunteering your hours at home in a way that we would not otherwise know please share with us the hours you’ve donated by sending an email to Katie at [email protected].
How many hours have been donated so far this year? Gem Prep Families have donated 1550 hours with 85% participating, including 10% of families who have already donated 20+ hours! Amazing job – we love partnering with you!
Why is the requirement 20 hours per family? We wanted to create a goal for families and we believe this amount to be an appropriate amount to support families involvement in our school community. You can always donate more, though!
Lions Club Hearing Screening
We have partnered with Nampa Lions Club for a school-wide hearing screen. Volunteers are needed to help keep the flow of students from the classroom to testing. This allows testing to be continuous and completed in the short amount of time we have with the Lions Club.
If you are available to volunteer on February 8th, 2018 we would love the helping hands. Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch for scheduling. Thank you in advance for helping our schools community!
Mrs. Colburn is our fearless kindergarten teacher! She has 50 (!) kindergarteners she is responsible for teaching between the Opal and Sapphire schedule. She dedicates time above and beyond to look at her students data to ensure they are growing academically, socially and emotionally. Mrs. Colburn knows your children and is always there with a calm smile and support. We appreciate all she does for our youngest learners!
Kaycia is a star student here at Gem Prep: Nampa. She shines with kindness towards staff and classmates, all while excelling in classwork and persevering through new levels of Math. She is always willing to help others and upholds our school values to their highest potential. We are excited to see Kaycia grow as a student and continue to excel!
Idaho Dentists and their staff will give FREE Dental Screenings to uninsured children in need. (Flyer attached below)
What: Free Dental Screenings
When: February 9, 2018
Who is Eligible? Any child in the community in need of a dental screening.
How do I sign my child up? Arrive at the above address between 8am-3pm. Children will be examined on a first come-first serve basis.
We hope your students are taking advantage of this wonderful program that encourages students to explore reading at home as a reward of a ticket to Roaring Springs.
Students K-4 will need a total of 600 minutes while 5th-grade students will need a total of 800 minutes. Provided below as an attachment is parent information on the program and a reading log for your student.
All items are DUE ON OR BEFORE March 22, 2018, late entries will not be accepted. All entries must be signed by a parent/guardian with the required minutes met. Tickets will be distributed when they arrive at the school and will not be replaced!
Gem Prep: Nampa offers breakfast and lunch for our students at a price of $1.85 and $2.15. We have free/reduced lunch applications available at our front office with Katie.
Note: Free/Reduced lunch applications must be filled out yearly.
Student’s will need a positive account balance in order to receive breakfast or lunch. Please create an account on Myschoolbucks.com using your student’s name and student number (this number can be obtained from our school operations manager).
**New students will have a new student number that pertains to our school**.
The cafeteria also accepts cash or checks written out to the Nampa School District.
Note: If your student’s account goes negative they will be charged to the Principal’s account. If this happens you will then have an outstanding balance with the Nampa School District and with Gem Prep: Nampa. Please keep track of your student’s account, we send home daily notes if accounts are negative.
Yearbook ID Code: 13173718
Our PTO is up to some amazing things, read below for the upcoming fundraisers! If you would like to join this marvelous group of parents or help volunteer with any of the events below please email us at [email protected].
The next PTO meeting will be on Monday, February, 5th from 6:30PM-7:30PM in Room 441. If you can’t join us on person, join us online! Click on the following link on February 5th:
Do you make some killer chili?! Bring it to Gem Prep: Nampa and we will put it to a vote!
When: Friday, February 23, 2018
Time: 6:30 PM-7:30PM
Where: GPN Cafeteria
The Gem Prep: Nampa PTO is hosting its 1st Annual Chili Cook-off. We are so excited to get our Gem community together and make this a fun, and memorable event! The cook-off is open to Gem Prep families and friends, so if you or anyone you know thinks they have THE WORLD’S BEST CHILI, prove it, and let’s put it to the ultimate test! If not bring some anyway you may just surprise yourself!!
Entry is free of charge, and prizes are awarded to the top 3!
If you would like to be part of the cook-off please contact:
To contribute to the cook-off that evening, the Gem Prep Student Body wants to host their first bake sale fundraiser! The PTO is ecstatic to work with the student body and will be donating a raffle basket, full of awesome Gem Prep goodies, to help their fundraising.
Raffle tickets will be available to purchase through the PTO at the doors.
Tickets will be $1 for one, $5 for six, or $10 for a child’s arm length ( fingertip to shoulder).
Note: If you wish to purchase tickets in advance, or are unable to attend and would like to, please contact the PTO at [email protected].
The PTO will be providing cornbread, chips/salsa, and drinks. If you are unable to bring chili but would like to donate one of the following food or drink items to this event, you will receive a raffle ticket for each item donated.
Please let Hailey know if you will be donating any of the food/drink items mentioned above.
This month’s popcorn sales will be Thursday, February 8th, and Friday, February 23rd. Please click on the following link to let us know if your student will be purchasing popcorn on Thursday, February 8th. This will allow us to make sure we purchase enough popcorn.
A separate link will be sent out for February 23rd’s popcorn sale.
All Candy Gram purchases must have payment with them for gram to be delivered.
Purchases may be made:
-At the office through the drop box starting on February 7th-13th: Student’s name, Teacher’s Name & Payment
-At lunch recesses February 12th & 13th
-Through the PTO email- [email protected] (if purchased through the email payment needs to be delivered to the office)
Our PTO has found a way to recycle and fundraise at the same time! We are collecting the following items listed below in a bin/box in our hallway:
1. Plastic cereal bags and/or plastic cereal bag liners
2. Toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes & caps, toothpaste cartons & toothbrush outer packaging, and floss containers
We have also joined box tops! We encourage all of our students to bring in any box tops to their teachers. Please double check the expiration date before turning them in. This will help us be more efficient. Keep a lookout for class competitions!
Monday, February 5th: PTO Meeting @ 6:30PM, Room 441
Thursday, February 8th: Popcorn Sale &
GPN Lottery Admissions Application Closes
Wednesday, February 14th: GPN Lottery Draw
Monday, February 19th: No School-Presidents Day
Friday, February 23rd: Popcorn Sale & Chili Cookoff Event
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