Welcome back Gem Prep Families!
We hope you all had an amazing winter break! We are happy to see our students back and eager to learn by finishing the first semester strong. We have a lot of information to share with you all regarding our 2018-2019 lottery and upcoming fundraisers.
Just a friendly reminder that there will be no school next Monday, January 15, 2018, for Martin Luther King Day.
Gem Prep: Nampa Office Staff
2018-2019 Re-Enrollment & Lottery Update
Total # of Students Currently Enrolled at Gem Prep: Nampa: 293
# of Students Returning 2018-2019: 183
# of Students Undecided 2018-2019: 110
# of New Students 2018-2019: 94
Parents should have received the following email pictured below, please log in and select ‘returning’ or ‘not returning’ before February 8th. This will give us a better understanding of our student population for the 2018-2019 school year.
We hope that you find the re-enrollment process much quicker and easier this year. As you work through the SchoolMint website—if you have any questions about the re-enrollment or enrollment process, please contact Brenda at [email protected].
Applying to Gem Prep: Meridian
If you select ‘returning’ for Gem Prep: Nampa you CAN still apply to Gem Prep: Meridian and it will not affect your students returning status.
Enrolling Siblings
If you have siblings to enroll, you will be able to add them to the system and create an application for them. You must create an application for all non-enrolled siblings that you wish to enroll for the 2018-2019 school year. The deadline is the same as for re-enrollment: January 2 – February 8, 2018.
You will be able to track your sibling enrollment status through your SchoolMint account. When siblings are offered enrollment, you can accept and decline enrollment from your account, similar to the way you indicate “returning or not returning” for your currently enrolled students.
After the Lottery
After February 14 you will be prompted to log back into your account and update any contact information necessary and complete any back-to-school forms for next school year —like the Volunteer Agreement, Authorized Pickup Form, etc.
Let the fun begin, the Roaring Readers program has started! This wonderful program encourages students to explore reading at home as a reward of a ticket to Roaring Springs.
Students K-4 will need a total of 600 minutes while 5th-grade students will need a total of 800 minutes. Provided below as an attachment is parent information on the program and a reading log for your student.
All items are DUE ON OR BEFORE March 22, 2018, late entries will not be accepted. All entries must be signed by a parent/guardian with the required minutes met. Tickets will be distributed when they arrive at the school and will not be replaced!
Gem Prep: Nampa offers breakfast and lunch for our students at a price of $1.85 and $2.15. We have free/reduced lunch applications available at our front office with Katie. Note: this form needs to be filled out yearly.
Student’s will need a positive account balance in order to receive breakfast or lunch. Please create an account on Myschoolbucks.com using your student’s name and student number (this number can be obtained from our school operations manager).
**New students will have a new student number that pertains to our school**.
The cafeteria also accepts cash or checks written out to the Nampa School District.
Note: If your student’s account goes negative they will be charged to the Principal’s account. If this happens you will then have an outstanding balance with the Nampa School District and with Gem Prep: Nampa. Please keep track of your student’s account, we send home daily notes if accounts are negative.
We will have a booth at this year’s canyon county kids expo on Saturday, January 27, 2018, stop by and say hi! We will be informing families about Gem Prep: Nampa and have a laptop available for them to sign-up for the lottery if interested. As a parent, if you are interested in helping us recruit please email Principal Walker at [email protected].
Time: 10:00AM – 6:00PM
Locations: Idaho Center in Nampa, Idaho
Admission: $4-Adults and $2-Kids (16 and under)
Chase and Marshall from PAW Patrol will be on-site for meet and greets, pictures and more!
Our PTO is up to some amazing things, read below for the upcoming fundraisers! If you would like to join this marvelous group of parents or help volunteer with any of the events below please email us at [email protected].
The next PTO meeting will be on Monday, February, 5th from 6:30PM-7:30PM in Room 441.
“I know that finding time to volunteer isn’t always easy, but remember “Many hands make light work!”. It’s easier for all of us to find 30 mins to volunteer than it is for a handful of us to spend hours volunteering. Volunteering can happen in so many different ways. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you have interests in events or fundraising we have coming up. Even your ideas and suggestions can make a huge difference!
Thank you to everyone for the time and effort you have put into the PTO so far! It does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Everything you do makes a difference for our children and school!”
-Hailey Snead
PTO President
Popcorn sales are back and here to stay through the remainder of the school year happening 2x a month (this will give each of our kindergarten classes the opportunity to make a popcorn purchase).
This month’s sales will be this Friday, January 12th, and Thursday, January 25th. Please click on the following link to let us know if your student will be purchasing popcorn this Friday. This will allow us to make sure we purchase enough popcorn.
A separate link will be sent out for January 25th’s popcorn sale.
Terracycle Recycling Fundraiser
Our PTO has found a way to recycle and fundraise at the same time! Starting next week, January 16th we will be collecting the following items listed below in a bin/box on the outside of Mrs. Katie’s office:
Note: It does not need to be Colgate, any brand will work.
1. Plastic cereal bags and/or plastic cereal bag liners
2. Toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes & caps, toothpaste cartons & toothbrush outer packaging, and floss containers
We have also joined box tops! We encourage all of our students to bring in any box tops to their teachers. Please double check the expiration date before turning them in. This will help us be more efficient. Keep a lookout for class competitions!
The weather has turned colder and with it comes wet outdoor conditions and freezing temperatures. Our office is set on helping students stay warm and dry this season. With this comes the need of clothing for students.
We are in need of pants, shirts, socks, jackets, hats and gloves. Clothing sizes range from size 6 to 12 and junior sizes in both girls and boys. Please only bring items that can be worn in a school setting. If you are able to donate items for use at Gem Prep, it is greatly appreciated!
January 2nd-February 8th: Lottery Admissions Application Open
Friday, January 12th: Popcorn Sale
Monday, January 15th: No School- Martin Luther King Day
Friday, January 19th: End of Semester 1
Monday, January 22nd: No School-Professional Development Day
Thursday, January 25th: Popcorn Sale
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