Josh Femreite
Chief Growth Officer
Josh Femreite serves as the Chief Growth Officer for the network. Josh works with community partners and government relations teams to lead and execute the network’s business development strategy. He oversees the greenlighting process for network expansion, manages the growth process, works with all departments to ensure sustainability of all schools, and handles all facility acquisitions and expansions.
Before accepting leadership for new schools in the network, Josh was a co-founder of the charter management organization, and served as Chief Operations Officer. He managed all aspects of operations for the network including facilities management, enrollment management, transportation, school operations, safety, and nutrition programs, as well as technology for all schools and support structures organization-wide.
Prior to co-founding Gem Innovation Schools, Josh developed and led the virtual school’s service-oriented technology department— from conception to ultimately serving all of the technology needs of Gem Prep: Online students and families state-wide. The department also supported students and staff at four separate regional and support offices. He spring-boarded and managed the school’s transition to the use of high quality adaptable online educational programs for students. Josh also implemented a learning management system to bring courses online, created a school-wide video conferencing system, and started an online electronic library using Overdrive to provide literary access to students in outlying areas.
Josh holds a B.S. in Business from the University of Idaho.